21 Июн Парестетическая ноталгия. Список литературы
Posted at 03:42h
in Новости МОЗ
Список литературы:
- Massey EW, Pleet AB. Localized pruritus–notalgia paresthetica. Arch Dermatol. 1979;115(8):982-3.
- Savk E, Savk SO, Bolukbasi O, et al. Notalgia paresthetica: a study on pathogenesis. Int J Dermatol. 2000;39(10):754-9.
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- Williams EH, Rosson GD, Elsamanoudi I, Dellon AL. Surgical decompression for notalgia paresthetica: a case report. Microsurgery. 2010;30(1):70-2.
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- Weinfeld PK. Successful treatment of notalgia paresthetica with botulinum toxin type A. Arch Dermatol. 2007;143(8):980-2.
- Goulden V, Toomey PJ, Highet AS. Successful treatment of notalgia paresthetica with a paravertebral local anesthetic block. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1998;38(1):114-6.
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- Savk E, Bolukbasi O, Akyol A, G. Side Open pilot study on oxcarbazepine for the treatment of notalgia paresthetica. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2001;45(4):630-2.
- Fleischer AB, Meade TJ, Fleischer AB. Notalgia paresthetica: successful treatment with exercises. Acta Derm Venereol. 2011;91(1):356-7.
- Stellon A. Neurogenic pruritus: an unrecognized problem? A retrospective case series of treatment by acupuncture. Acupunct Med. 2002;20(4):186-190.
- Richardson BS, Way BV, Speece AJ. Osteopathic manipulative treatment in the management of notalgia paresthetica. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2009;109(11):605-8.
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